It's a good concept and it's surprisingly addictive, but it needs improvement (I know this is a beta version).
Some suggestions:
Interface could be optimized better (status menu should be able to open on same page).
Why does screen need to fade when healing?
Let us choose which weapon to swap instead of restricting to main/side arm.
Let us turn SFX on/off. I got tired of hearing the button presses and just muted my tab.
(Also, the heartbeat SFX takes a while to stop even after I'm fully healed).
Let us to return to Bookkeeper when needed.
Give us more options to buy/sell (like weapons & ammo)
Maybe a randomized map system so we can choose where we want to go, regardless of location.
Also, I played through this several times. The longest I lasted was 10 days, but I didn't finish the request. Was this implemented?